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Voice of the Publisher 出版之声

热度0票  浏览488次 时间:2017年4月25日 09:40

Voice of the Publisher 出版之声

ISSN Print: 2380-7571

ISSN Online: 2380-7598

Aims & Scope

Voice of the Publisher (VP) is a multi-target publication that allows authors a free choice of subject for discussion and presentation. The goal of the journal is to provide a platform for scientists, researchers and practitioners in industry, and in natural, humanitarian, juridical, political and medical sciences as well as to broad auditoria of authors. The spectrum of authors includes everyone from prominent scientists to students as well as the employees of Scientific Research Publishing Inc. VP will provide a forum for dissemination of correct, neutral and unbiased information. The journal covers all fields, but from more popular and generalized point of view. There is no subject that cannot be presented or discussed in the journal. It contains information and open discussions about how to avoid plagiarism and forgery in scientific social publishing. The discussion about corruption in the scientific media industry will take a place in the journal as well as the comparison of traditional information media contra open access platform media. The only requirements for publication in the journal are the professionalism of the author(s) and a good knowledge of the relevant subject.

VP serves also as a platform for editors and editorial staff at SCIRP to exchange ideas and best practice in publishing at SCIRP and discuss the questions of wide public interest. This information may be of interest to readers, authors, editors and staff at SCIRP alike.

The journal is designed to provide accurate and authoritative information with regard to the subject matter covered, following the publication rules at SCIRP based on accepted Good Publication Practice (GPP).

The journal VP will deal with all publishing issues as explained above, as it is of interest in the many scientific fields including but not limited to the following fields:

  • · Archeology
  • · Architecture in the Past, Present and in the Future Including All Problems of Mega-polices
  • · Art
  • · Atom Energetics
  • · Cinema
  • · Circus
  • · Climate in the Past, Present and Prognoses for the Future
  • · Corruption, Plagiarism and Falsifications in All Aspects of Human Activities
  • · Cosmos
  • · Drug, Alcohol and Smoking Abuse
  • · Earth Resources Exploitation and Earth Resources Abuse
  • · Good Publication Practice
  • · Insurance
  • · Juridical Sciences and State-citizens Relation
  • · Medical Science including Occupational Medicine and Invalidation Problems
  • · Migration and Modern Time Slavery (Prostitution)
  • · Natural Science
  • · Nutrition and Health
  • · Politics
  • · Psychiatry
  • · Publishing, Communication and Information
  • · Religions of the Past and Present
  • · Sport
  • · Stress Medicine
  • · Technical Sciences and Engineering
  • · Theater
  • · Tourism

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