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热度0票  浏览71次 时间:2020年11月10日 09:21
陈认真 / 湖北工业大学外语学院
摘 要:本文简要介绍和列举了英语名家笔下所描述的冬的形象,意在提供一种对冬天的文学阅读和文学审美的新视角,并希望通过文学阅读和审美的积累、借鉴和融合,丰富本民族语言的审美表达。
英国浪漫主义诗人拜伦曾说:“英国的冬天,七月刚走,八月又来。”(The English winter--ending in July,Torecommence in August.)可见冬天在英国的调皮和变化莫测。
在相隔一个世纪的两位英国诗人柯珀和汤姆森的笔下,冬天是统治者,是国王:O Winter! ruler of the invertedyear,I crown thee king of intimate delights,Firesideenjoyments, home-born happiness.And all the comfortsthat the lowly roof Of undisturb'd Retirement,and the hours Of long uninterrupted evening, know( 柯 柏《 任 务》)。See, Winter comes, to rule thevaried year,Sullen and sad, with all his risingtrain;Vapors, and Clouds, and Storms(汤姆森《四季之冬》)。此外,冬天还是汤姆森眼中忧郁恐怖、君临天下的 君 主:Dread Winter spreads his latest glooms,Andreigns, tremendous, o'er the conquer'd Year.How deadthe vegetable kingdom lies!How dumb the tuneful!
Horror wide extends His desolate domain.
中,冬天是美的魔法师,让世界瞬间变样:Never tell meof the sterner beauties of winter. Winter may have amighty beauty of its own, where the mountain rises,white with the snow of a thousand years, hemmed in byblack pine forests, eternal in their gloom ; wherethe overhanging avalanche makes terrible even theslightest sound of the human voice ; and where watersthat never flowed spread the glittering valleys withthe frost-work of the measureless past. 它让英国变换多姿,如川剧变脸: But the characteristic of Englishscenery is loveliness. We look for the verdant greenof her fields, for the colours of her wild and gardenflowers, for daisies universal as hope, and for thecheerful hedges, so various in leaf and bud. Wintercomes to us with gray mists and drizzling rains :
now and then, for a day, the frost creates its ownfragile and fairy world of gossamer ; but not often.
We see the desolate trees, bleak and bare ; thedreary meadows, the withered gardens, and close doorand window, to exclude the fog and the east wind.
在莎士比亚的《皆大欢喜》中,冬天长着冰牙,脾气暴躁地撕咬着人的身体:Here feel we but the penaltyof Adam,The seasons' difference, as the icy fang Andchurlish chiding of the winter's wind, Which, when itbites and blows upon my body,Even till I shrink withcold, I smile and say,"This is no flattery."
在梭罗的《瓦尔登湖》中,冬天既有暴君的粗鲁和狂暴喧闹,也有情人的细心和温柔可人:Many of the phenomenaof Winter are suggestive of an inexpressible
tenderness and fragile delicacy. We are accustomedto hear this king described as a rude and boisteroustyrant; but with the gentleness of a lover he adornsthe tresses of Summer.
O Winter! bar thine adamantine doors:The north isthine; there hast thou built thy dark,Deep-foundedhabitation. Shake not thy roofs,Nor bend thy pillarswith thine iron car.
The tendinous part of the mind, so to speak, ismore developed in winter; the fleshy, in summer. Ishould say winter had given the bone and sinew toliterature, summer the tissues and the blood.






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